Business decision makers are looking for you.
Fact: Business decision makers read thought leaders
In a 2022 survey of 805 global business leaders across industries, including more than 400 C-suite leaders:
91% of CEOs say they use thought leadership to build their watchlist of interesting companies to talk to
These execs spend on average 5 hours a week consuming thought leadership
67% decide whether to read a piece of content in less than 30 seconds
90% favor innovative ideas about their issues, ahead of 76% who favor disruptive products or services
Company execs today are using a more professionalized rigor in choosing their short list. To be competitive, companies must prove that they are serious thought leaders in their space—that their uniquely innovative solution solves for the present and the future. It is a case that needs to be made long before the formal bidding process leads to a meeting. Consistent, compelling thought leadership production can solve for this.
The competition is fierce and frequent
Another advantage to smart and consistent thought leadership?
77% of companies re-bid strategic partnerships at least once every two years
40% of companies do so annually
This levels the playing field and puts more pressure on you (the incumbent) to defend and prove your value—more often and consistently—to stay top of mind.